Sebastian Hammwöhner

6 March – 16 May 2004

Sebastian Hammwöhner Installation view at Supportico Lopez, Naples, 2004
Sebastian Hammwöhner Installation view at Supportico Lopez, Naples, 2004
Sebastian Hammwöhner Installation view at Supportico Lopez, Naples, 2004
Sebastian Hammwöhner Gegen den Strich (La Pharmacie), 2004

On Saturday, March the 6th 2004, at 6.00 p.m., Supportico Lopez will inaugurate the first personal exhibition in Italy of the Berlin based artist Sebastian Hammwöhner.

In his set you can find drawings in which Sebastian Hammwöhner builds a figurative tautological of very strong and symbolic impressions. Under a very personal point of view he develops illustrated and transitory worlds, he creates grotesques, oppressive, estranges scenarios, in which the choice of the material is deeply wanted and never there by chance. His set, appear like three-dimensional paintings of sublime, dark, reflexive and critics, that have a romantic quality that is realized through a combination of humble materials often founds. At the beginning Sebastian Hammwöhner’s world appears fragile, but after an attentive reflection, you can realize that such a fragile beauty can suddenly be transformed in something strongly hard.

This is a kind of work that can suggest a possibility of doubt about the believing in an objective world and the research for truth that finds a shelter in a personal and not passive way of spirituality.

Born in 1974 At Frechen, Germany. He displayed his work in some private galleries and museums in Germany and abroad like Galerie Meyer Riegger di Karlsrhue, Abteiberg Museum of Monchengladbach, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Hamburger Banhof in Berlin, Stadtische Galerie of Wolfsburg, ZKM of Karlsrhue.